Monday 26 February 2018

Most Disgusting Dinner

I am learning to inform people, to hook them into my writing and inform my audience with an entertaining moment.

As I walked through the doorway I could smell something burning through my nose. I could not bear
the smell, so I quickly ran to the kitchen and I saw pumpkin soup while it was boiling inside the pot getting ready to be scooped. As my mum walked in the kitchen she told me dinner was at 5.30. DING DONG! Went the doorbell I quickly ran to the door and slid open the door at the back and saw my siblings racing across the rooms and at the door were all the adults waiting for their mouths to be feed.

It was 5.00 and dinner started at 5.30 I went back to the kitchen to check if dinner was ready or not. While I was waiting for dinner I thought of playing tag with my siblings. Instead of sitting there being bored, while we were playing tag we heard the loud noises yelling out DINNERS READY! Oh no my taste buds started to get no taste in it, I had a funny feeling in my mouth. All the people in the family were finally happy dinner was served because it was a traditional dinner for our family.

Finally everyone was at the kitchen table getting ready to be feed, I sat there having no taste buds on my tongue. Now that my dinner was scooped I got ready to put the spoon in my mouth with mashed pumpkin on the spoon. While I was eating a spoon full of the mashed pumpkin I started to notice that I started to vomit

My mum quickly grabbed a tissue and waited till I finished vomiting how I wanted to go inside my room and sleep I took a 1 hour sleep and woke up, and now I know that I shouldn’t eat mashed pumpkin soup.

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